Welcome, The 9%!

My name is Maya Mey Aroyo, and I am a 4/6 Emotional Manifestor!
Wether you're here after discovering you're a Human Design Manifestor, or cause you love a Manifestor, I hope that this space will provide you with some answers (perhaps, to questions you didn't even know you have).

In this website you'll find information about living your best life as a Human Design Manifestor, shared from my knowledge of Human Design, and my past experiences reflected upon- once I discovered what Human Design & Manifestors are.
(PS - Like my sweatshirt? You can get one HERE)

Understandings that Upgraded MY Manifestor Life:

Understandings that Upgraded MY Life as a Human Design Manifestor:

Sharing My Journey on instagram:

Did you know that I have a YouTube channel?